Monday, August 15, 2011

recommendation: THE BEST planner in the world

I know I haven't been blogging a lot lately and I should really be getting ready for bed tonight but I was just adding an appointment to my planner/calendar and realized I only have 3 weeks left in my 2010-2011 august to august calendar and then its time for my 2011-2012 one!

a few things. yes, i am excited about a brand new fresh planner (that same weird excitement the first week of school after you get over all of the awkward figuring out who you know in class and who will be your friend and where to eat lunch and can then concentrate on going through your syllubus and writing your name on all of your folders and getting everything organized and labeled)(wait)(is that not fun for anyone else?). and yes - I still use a planner designed for someone in school. lastly, yes, I still use a paper planner vs something online or through google (i use this too) or my iphone - there are some things that just need to remain untouched by technology and for me, my planner is one (as well as all books. my sister and her bf swear by the kindle but I just can't do it. it feels wrong.).

I also think it is a fun fact that I have been using this planner since 1999!!! They are my favorite and I always think its fun to pick out a color (they have a fun selection of about 5 that vary every year). Sometimes my sister and I accidentally pick the same color, which duh, is because of our sister ESP.

So anyways, lets get to the details. Made by Mixed Role Productions, this calendar is $16.95 plus tax and shipping. You can get it at some book stores - I get mine at Nicola's in Ann Arbor. I keep track of everything because of my headaches (diet, sleep, etc.) so I like that there is a lot of room for notes during the week, a folder with pockets, sections in the back for notes, graphs, contact information, etc. This planner has gotten me through 12 years which definitely warrants a blog post and a solid recommendation!

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