Friday, April 29, 2011

recommendation: break and bake scones

admittedly obsessed with the royal wedding, i wanted to bring something into work for breakfast this friday morning to celebrate the official union of Kate (I mean Catherine) and Prince William. everyone who knows me know that my knees get weak with any great love story - ask my mom how many times I rewinded and replayed the dance scene in the gazebo in Sound of Music where Liesl gets her first kiss from Rolf, and this is when I was in elementary school.

I love how normal and laid back Kate is, but how seriously she takes the new role she is going into. She looked stunning in her Alexander McQueen dress, modern and young but respectful. While I didn't wake up at 4am for the wedding (reruns will be on all day), I did tune in while I was getting dressed to witness their entrance onto the balcony and their two kisses. I still remember the night when my friend Sandy called me and told me to turn on the TV, that Princess Di was in a horrible car accident. We don't know these people and we will never meet celebrities, royal families, etc., but these events are what makes history. Years from now, you will remember watching it live on tv, witnessing an event, and it gives you stories to tell your kids when they are learning about these events in history books.

As I was plotting out what to make (I've had a lack of sleep lately so didn't want to over commit myself to this project), I came across Immaculate Baking Company's gourmet organic scratch-baked scones while I was at Whole Foods. Break and bake scones! Could it be true? It was. I made them this morning in 20 minutes and while they look and taste a little more like biscuits (I made blueberry, and cinnamon chip), they were a great morning treat to bring in to the office and super easy. Definitely recommended! And sprinkle a little raw or turbino sugar on the top for an extra touch.

p.s. as if I wasn't excited enough, check out the beautiful union jack cookie cake my co-worker Amy made. she is dedicated and woke up for 4am! i can't wait to try her treat for a mid-morning snack :)

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