Tuesday, November 22, 2011

recommendation: actually DO the things you PIN, part 1 of 3

ok here is the deal with pinterest. its an obsession and pretty much a dream world. you spend hours, floating around from pretty picture to pretty picture and there are ideas that seem so realistic and do-able, but you pin pin pin away and spend all this time in this dream world and waste time pining instead of DOING.

well i had three projects that I set out to actually DO. here's how they went:

1. Pantry Project - inspiration on right, original pantry on left

who doesn't want a pretty pantry? if you have to look at it on a daily basis, mind as well make it gorgeous. the previous owners took two half shelves to make 1 full shelf which resulted in it being uneven, two different shades of white, and pretty scratched up

we took out all shelves in the cabinet. we probably could of reused some of the wood but decided to start from scratch. at home depot, we found raw wood and had them slice it to our closet measurements. we got 3 full size shelves and 1 cut in half to make 2 half shelves. I don't remember the exact price but I want to say each sheet of raw wood was $8 and we went through 4, they cut it for free.

we had a painter over who was painting a bunch of small projects and touching up other spots in the house (including the damage the movers did! hmph!) so he primed and painted the boards an off white. after a few days of drying, my mom laid down contact paper that we got from Ace (buy a lot just in case and return leftovers... i didn't buy enough and had to call around to 3 different stores to find more of the same print). We got it in the funnest posh print - this is what makes the pantry. you can get contact paper in so many different patterns these days. i love how neutral it is. and ta-da! brand new closet!

final product:
love it! cute but functional. pin worth doing - yes, that means not all of them are. stay tuned for part 2 of 3, coming soon.

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