Monday, July 11, 2011

recommendation: chocolate coconut water

I was at TJ's last friday to do a quick pick up and bumped into an old co-worker who works there now and told me I MUST try this new product. She asked if I liked coconut water and I said kind of (as recently posted - pineapple coconut water - YES, most other flavors, no thank you). Then she presented me with a sample cup of Zico chocolate flavored coconut water. You'd think chocolate WATER would just be gross. Here's the thing. If you don't think of it as flavored water, and don't compare it to chocolate milk, because its just NOT, and just take it for what it is... a refreshing chocolate beverage... then its absolutely delicious. Make sure its super cold when you drink it. My first few sips were room temp and it doesn't have the same refreshing effect. If you need further motivation:

- has more potassium than one whole banana
- assures rapid hydration and replenishment
- 5 essential electrolytes, good sources of iron
- zero fat, zero cholesterol, zero added sugar, gluten free
- 110 cal, 2g fat, 23 carb, 18 sugars, 1 protein

Try it. Its different, and awesome.

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